I never got around to posting a 5 month blog, and before I knew it the 6 month post-op mark was coming around. I can't believe that its been six months since I've had surgery! Where does the time go? I remember thinking about my post-op experience and wondering how it would be. How would I handle the drastic dietary changes? What would I look like 6 months after my surgery? Would I have regrets? Its very easy for me to say that I have absolutely no regrets and I've never had one regret since July when I had the surgery done. I've been extremely blessed and have had a very positive experience and an easy time post-op. I hate to think about all the complications and struggles that some people go through after gastric bypass. I was afraid that those experiences would be my experience, but I stayed focused on the positive and did what I was supposed to do and have been successful!
I was also very happy to hear this month that my ALL of my blood work was normal! I'm not deficient in anything, which is very good news for me! I'm so glad that I don't have to add any new vitamins or supplements to my diet! I'm doing great! I hope the next 6 months leading up to my year anniversary are just as successful and wonderful as the first 6 months!