I was wheeled away sometime after 1pm. The anesthesiologist and OR nurse were so nice. They talked to me the whole time, told me what was going to happen and kept me at ease. It was an odd experience...being on the other end of nursing care as a patient...but I was in a good place and trusted those people with my life (literally). The OR was chilly. I transferred to the narrow OR table and they covered me with warm blankets. They set me up appropriately, gave me some Versed and the last thing I remember was looking above at the over head lights.
I woke up sometime after 5pm. My throat was dry, I barely had a voice and my abdomen had been bashed in with a sledgehammer (or at least that's what it felt like). I didn't hesitate to ask for pain meds. I felt terrible...lots of pain...more than I ever anticipated. I was only in the PACU for about 45 minutes when they took me to my room on the 5th floor. I was very out of it, very tired form the anesthesia and very sore! I had a foley catheter and some oxygen through a nasal cannula. I had IV fluids running. After I got settled in my room Luis came back to see me and then a while later, my brother. I was so tired and in so much pain so they didn't visit for very long. Moving in bed was so difficult but I did try to move around and to move my legs as much as possible.
Even though I was so uncomfortable and in a lot of pain I never once second guessed my decision. I knew this was part of the journey and the pain would only be temporary. I got through that first night...it was a very long night.
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