I'm writing this months blog a little late. 4 months have passed and it doesn't even feel like I've ever had surgery. I get the occasional reminder if I eat a dry piece of meat or if I eat too fast but fortunately those occurrences are very few and far between.
I've taken up baking sugar free desserts lately and have noticed that I'm eating a sugar free treat just about every night. I'm trying to be careful about this but I don't have treats during the day so I consider my nightly sugar free desserts to be deserved (as long as I don't overdo it).
I've started a running program as well in hopes of running a 5K in the spring. Its a goal I'm confident I can achieve. So far I'm doing well with the program and don't find it too difficult but I'm only running for minutes at a time right now. Let's see what happens when I'm running for 20-30 minutes! Its sounds hard to me right now but I know that's something I have to build up to. I've also started working with a trainer. I meet with her once a week. The first time I worked with her we worked my shoulders and back...wow! I was so sore the next day but it felt good! I have no upper body strength so its about time I build some! My goal with all of this is to have a fit body. I want to be in shape. I don't want to be 'skinny' or 'buff'...I want to be healthy, fit and toned!
I've also noticed myself eating or sometimes snacking a bit more. I'm not eating a large amount of food but the choice in food could be better. It hit home when I stepped on the scale this week and for the first time in four months, the numbers on the scale went up instead of down! I actually gained weight! I know its not the exercise because I went to the gym a few times last week plus met with the trainer. I had two parties over the weekend that I went to and I didn't eat the healthiest types of food at either party. So, that goes to prove that even though I've had surgery, I still have to do the work and make the proper food choices or I will gain weight back!
67lbs lost...and counting!