Monday, July 13, 2009


I had strong cravings this afternoon. Cravings for all the restaurant foods that I love and that I so desperately want right now! I just kept thinking of all the places I love to go eat and how I won't be able to eat at those places for a very long time. I also reminded myself how silly it was to think that way because in time I will be able to enjoy most foods again, just in smaller amounts. I'm experiencing this thing called the 'Last Supper' phenomenon. I want to eat all I can right now and get those 'last meals' in before the surgery. Since I'm on Atkins pre-operatively I can't really eat any the foods I'm craving anyway, but that didn't stop the strong urge to eat them.

Without really thinking about it I distracted myself by playing with my daughter and watching Spongebob Squarepants with her for a few minutes and that actually distracted me from my cravings. I wasn't trying to distract myself but it happened and after a few minutes my strong cravings were gone! I'll have to remember that in the future cause this won't be the last time!

And thank god for my wonderful, supportive husband, who through email, reminded me that this was all in my head and that I have to be strong. He's the best!

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